" Meanwhile, we see in flashback scenes of the young man and his father the boy wins races, the boy loses races, the boy stumbles and picks himself up, and the whole time his father is there, coaching him and encouraging him. I gave it my best shot/I ran my heart out.

The song lyric goes "I ran the fastest mile in Culver County/But Culver County's many miles from here/. It's about a young man returning home from a track meet (we're to assume it's the Olympic trials) and he's looking out a train window, very sad and disappointed. This McDonalds commercial ran in conjunction with the Olympics, the Los Angeles games in 1984, I think. for the great taste of McDonalds." Oh, and for the record, the commercial is called "Hats Off." Announcer: Hats off to you whevever you are. Man: Look at you now! Woman: They want to take a "Bow?" Announcer: from 1955 to today Here's to every crew member whoes kept those arches shining. Woman: Never would of met you the top without you.(I think). Man: you still got the willing ways about you. Announcer: Here's to you, Madame (I think that's what he says). Man & Woman singing: our un_ (I forget what they say) heros to carry the day. Woman singing: the stars in our sky still shining on high. Where are they today? Man singing: Here's looking at you kids McDonalds crew kids, you sure have gone a long way. "Announcer: McDonalds crew kids there've been a lot of great ones in the past 30 years. In 1985, there was this commercial about the 30th anniversary.